Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Current work: On holiday :o)
Listening to: Christmas songs
Reading: Nikki Logan, The Patter of Paws at Christmas (well, how could I resist ‘A Puppy for Christmas’? And these are very unusual puppies. Loved it, especially the mobile phone scene)

After a minor disaster (my fault for assuming that a computer program would be the same across ALL platforms) in which I lost the last 1,000 words of my book (and they weren’t straight 1,000 words, they were threaded in, so I couldn’t just dash it all down as notes and then tidy up)… well, the book is done, the new outline is done, all is on my ed’s desk for new year (so January’s going to be screamingly busy), and I am taking a few days off because I really need to refill the well.

So far, we’ve been socialising a lot, playing board games, and watching films. The kids wanted the Batman trilogy. Hmm. So far… very dark. And it’s really interesting that the superhero genre has as many restrictions as the romance one (i.e. we need the tragic loss in childhood for which they blame themselves, the hero has to be super-clever, and the hero has difficulty fitting into society). I did like the first one, but I found the second one quite disturbing. (Today, I’m hoping to persuade them into watching my all-time favourite film. Because it wouldn’t be Christmas without Capra.)

And, as it’s Christmas, do go and see my tree over at the Harlequin Romance Authors’ blog – there’s a chance to win books… :o) (remember to check the other trees, too…)

Merry Christmas!


Mary Preston said...

Merry Christmas!!

Nell Dixon said...

Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy New Year to you and yours.

Caroline said...

Merry Christmas Kate, to you and your family. Caroline x